Thursday, November 29, 2007


Here is hoping that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I also hope you enjoyed the previous post with 18 Wheels on a Big Rig. Heywood Banks has to be one of the funniest people in the world...He strangely looks like he could be David Crowder's Dad....hmm.

Rachael and I had a great Thanksgiving. We spent the week leading up to turkey day helping others. Our youth group had been raising money for the 28 families that were picked for world changers last summer. They formed a change drive and were able to buy meals for 28 families. The meals consisted of a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, rolls, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and a world changers t-shirt. The picture you see is one of our youth, Jeremy with the 28 turkeys that we bought from target. It was pretty funny to walk through the store with two carts filled with turkeys.

We put the food together and split up into teams to deliver the food. 28 meals were delivered in one evening. Some meals had to be put on doorsteps because the families weren't home. We received several letters, voicemail messages, and thank you cards for the hard work. Way to go youth!

We then spent some time at Reach Salt Lake (formerly the Baptist Concern Center) and helped them give out food to over 1300 families this year. That number is amazing considering that the Utah Food Bank was at the lowest it has been in over 20 years as far as food levels.

We spent turkey day playing football, getting injured, watching football, and eating some great food. Rachael and I spent time with her family for the day and we had a lot of fun.

In other news...Rachael's little brother Jordan proposed to his girlfriend Holly last weekend. To all of our surprise she said yes! Way to go Jordan! I think they are planning to get married in late May or early June. Here is a picture of the lovely couple...and Jordan and Holly. (yes those are fur hats...what of it?)

Until next time...

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