Monday, March 10, 2008

about freakin time...

to our devoted readers...all two of you, it has been a long while since I updated this blog with any sort of relevant information and for that I am sorry. I plan to remedy the problem with some photos and a Patrick family update in the paragraphs to follow.

Can you tell that I have been in college courses yet? I am sick of framing arguments and writing papers. I am just ready for a little bit of a break. Thankfully spring break is next week, the only problem is that it is also easter week and that is quite possibly one of the busiest weeks for those in pastoral ministry at a church. Oh well, you take the good with the bad huh?

Rachael is loving her internship at IHC. They liked her so much that they are working to create an opening for her in the midst of a hiring freeze. She comes home with great stories of occupational therapy triumph and sad stories of how lives are forever changed by simple accidents. Rachael only has 3 weeks left and then will be studying for a big test (I can't remember the name of it right now). In the meantime she is starting to look at job opportunities. She graduates with her Masters degree on May 1. I am so proud of her!

School is going well for me. I will have two more semesters after this one and will graduate from the U. I'm very excited but I have to take it one day at a time.

Things at the church are gaining steam. Kevin, our new pastor, has really challenged our thinking and is taking us forward. His favorite phrase over the last few weeks is "That will change." It is an exciting time for us as we are allowed to dream again. I have been leading worship and keeping up with the youth group. All things there are going well.

Speaking of our youth group, we recently teamed up with five other churches for World Vision's 30 Hour Famine. Our students raised over $30,000 to combat poverty and world hunger. It was an amazing event and was even better because I got to spend it with my youth ministry friends from other churches.

I'll close with a few random photos that I pulled from my cell phone camera. I hope you enjoy them. I will try to update this blog a little more frequently for the two of you that read it from now on.

A fine example of the parking situation at the University of Utah. I had to climb in my passenger door to get in.

Look closely at this car in front of my truck...yes friends that is a duct tape convertible!

Did I mention that I am majoring in Pirating at the U?

Until next time...


Chris said...

Word. I feel so exclusive. One of two...

mb said...

i guess i must be the other guy...

CCR said...

I've heard of "us four, no more", but even that represents a clique twice the size of yours. I can see that I'm not welcome here w/ you, your former best-man (if my memory serves), and your favorite small-label solo artist.

"Fine. I hope the three of you have great lives together," he said, feeling jilted, left out, discriminated against, and suddenly invigorated by a surge of vengeful adrenaline that brought to his mind scenarios of violent retribution against his former so-called friends.

"Yes, they'd pay all right - they'd ALL pay! He'd make them wish they'd fallen stillborn from their mother's respective wombs; he'd show EVERYone just how .... Oh wait, I love this song; "Turn it up" he yelled to his daughter in the background. "Everybody Wang Chung tonight ..." he sang aloud, forgetting all of his briefly held ill intentions toward his old mates in different states (which rhymes, you know).

CCR said...

In case you were wondering about my reference to your favorite solo artist in the previous post, I was just assuming that "Christopher" might be In the event that it's someone else, disregard the comment & give my regards to the other Christopher.

Sean and Rachael said...

it's amazing when you comment about how many readers you have...sooners are the first to be offended.

for the record...I have no clue who reads this blog.

Chris said...

Christopher =