Sunday, December 07, 2008

Chili cook off and a fun holiday game...

For the past two years, Rachael's parents have hosted the annual York, Patrick, Robbins chili cook off. This is a combines several birthdays of extended family and allows everyone to get involved. Each family is supposed to submit a chili which will then be voted as to which is the best for the year.
As the reigning champion of several chili cook off contests I was very confident in this year's submission: Tres Carnes (three meat) Chili. The meats were steak, chicken, and bacon, it was awesome. I'd like to say that my chili won the competition and retained the crown but sadly I lost out to another chili named Captian Brown's. I did however take second place and with it came a box of strange jelly beans.
Take a look at the list. Jelly Belly has lost its jelly bean creating mind. How do you come up with a rotten egg flavor, and what if you get them mixed up with the buttered popcorn and ship them to the wrong customer...sick.
So here is a fun holiday game for you and yours:
1.) Buy a box of Jelly Belly Bean Boozled jelly beans
2.) Open the box and commit to eat whatever jelly bean falls into your hand.
3.) Eat the bean
a. supress your gag reflex if the bean is bad
b. sigh in relief if the bean is good
4.) laugh at your family members or friends as they eat nasty jelly beans.
I personally had the joy of eating skunk spray, booger, vomit, and moldy cheese. Moldy cheese is by far the worst.
We had a lot of fun playing this one. I dare you to play. I'd be interested to see comments of which beans you end up with should you have the guts.

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