Monday, March 09, 2009

almost forgot I had a blog...

So here is a blog slacker making a feeble attempt at updating the blogosphere as to what has been happening in the Patrick home these last few months.

A week before December our Pastor told us that he needed time off as he was having some difficulties. 16 weeks, a lot of counseling, and many prayers later, he is now back and is being restored to our body. This process was in no way fun, but it was good to see the people of God come together to support, pray for, and love on our Pastor. His first week back in the pulpit was last week. You can hear his sermon on Psalms 1 at our website

Going through this process has kept Rachael and I busy, coupled with school and work we are ready for a vacation...which is exactly what we get to do in a mere five days! We will be going on our first cruise! Brandy is going to meet us in Miami and go with us and a whole lot of good friends! I am ready to spend some time in the sun and away from all the gloomy snowy skies. I know we'll take lots of photos and I'll even make an attempt to post them on the blog when we get back. We're pumped!

Rachael is enjoying her job as an Occupational Therapist. The schedule is getting a bit tedious as both of us agree that a Rachael that gets to go to church is a happy Rachael. Because of her 7 on 7 off schedule, she only gets to come to church every other week. This month in order to cover days, and alternate weeks with her counterpart, she won't get to come to our church at all. In the meantime, we won't complain because she is in a job that is weathering this economy well. We are blessed.

I am working on finishing my degree at the U of U. I walk on May 8th. I'm so ready to be done with this typing papers, textbook reading, group projects life. I am looking forward to only being in ministry and not having to be distracted elsewhere!

That's about it for now, I'll post pictures from the cruise later, and if you're on facebook, you'll find many more updates and other pics there...add me as a friend if you haven't already!

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