Wednesday, April 05, 2006

an 18 foot out!

Dateline - Salt Lake City (March 23rd - ish)

Jazz fans worldwide celebrated on Karl Malone night...a date that needs to be added to the national holidays list if you ask me...(insert sarcastic comment here). The team and their proud owner Larry (I got too much money...and time) Miller, thought it best to bless the fans and Karl with an 18 foot statue of our beloved mailman....(insert laughter here). Cowboy Karl took some time out to stand beside himself and smile for the cameras as onlookers were amazed at the sight of the 18 foot Malone.

This got me thinking....

Why don't more people build statues after great careers are over? Why is this reserved for people who play sports, are great thinkers, find the cure for cancer, etc? Why don't we have a statue to remember the illustrious career of Joe the garbage man, or Frank the rain or shine UPS driver. Or even Flo the waitress forever remembered in Dumb and Dumber...."Excuse me, Flo?"

Can you imagine if churches built statues of their pastors after they retired? The front yards of churches would be even more hideous....especially in Texas. I can't imagine what an 18 foot representation of myself would look like...I guess for one time in my life I would look tall...a dream I still cling will happen for me one day....I just know it. Maybe I just need to hang out with more short people....or get over it.

Who knows/cares?

In the meantime...I can't wait to get downtown to see it for myself..(again, sarcasm.)

1 comment:

jake and erin said...

I always thought that the Snuggles dryer sheets bear should have a statue in every laundr-o-mat where people could leave used dyer sheets in appreciation.