Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's Camptastic!

Rachael and I just got back from Glorieta NM. We took the youth group there for Centrifuge. It was a truly awesome experience. I promise I will have some pictures posted as soon as I can get them from the kids.

God did some amazing things at camp. We had four of our youth accept Christ and several more re-dedicate their lives to our Savior. When we returned home I had the great priveledge of baptizing 5 of our students including the four who accepted Christ for the first time. Our church could've exploded!

I'll share more about camp in another post but in the meantime I have a ton of work and homework to catch up on!


Corey and Jenni said...

That's awesome! What an amazing experience and privilege God blessed you with! So great to hear what God is doing with the youth group! I miss Glorieta, especially driving in the van and blessing everyone with my holy aroma:).

jake and erin said...

You know what else is camptastic..... updating your blog!