Monday, May 08, 2006


I have recently received revelation that I have neglected to get the log out of my eye while trying to point out the speck in my fellow blog friends eyes. I haven't updated this in a while so here it update!

Rachael and I recently both finished finals and will be headed back to school on the 15th. Rachael has been kicking serious butt on her Masters degree and I'm inching ever closer to a degree. I will be taking a communications course and math. Rachael will be taking a class that proves forever that she is smarter than me when it comes to all things therapy. This last semester was the end of anatomy. I am looking forward to Rachael not coming home smelling of formaldehyde and other preserving chemicals. I will also be glad to not hear about how she was holding a human brain, heart, kidney, anything internal.

We are also very busy with our church. We started a study last night called "The Peacemaker". I have a link to the book and what it deals with. Can you imagine what a church filled with peacemakers would look like? Check out the book if you get a chance. They use these techniques to settle multi-million dollar law suits right down to arguments with your spouse or family.

We just wrapped up Spring Fling this weekend. Spring Fling is a up-all-night lock-in for youth. After various energy drink consumption Rachael and I were able to stay up all night, walk over a mile on the jogging track, ice-skate at 4:30 am, play in a dodgeball tournament (I got worked.), and be the responsible adults that we needed to be....right. I'm glad that we don't do more lock-in's. I am getting older and the recovery time is just too much to take! I enjoy sleep too much!

Enough rambling. I have to go make sure I am registered for classes!

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