Monday, May 15, 2006

Summer School

I know you've felt like this!
May 15th...82 degrees...a day that should be celebrated by spending it outside in the nice warm sunshine. But not for the Patricks! We both started Summer classes today. I am in Math beginning at 6 a.m. and Rachael is in yet another Occupational Therapy class that will continue to train her to be, what else? occupational therapist!
My day started very early to say the least. I got there a little early and prepared to be attacked with all sorts of math formulas and homework. Our professor walked in and introduced herself as Lyudmila or Mila for short. She has a very thick accent and at 6 a.m. it was a little difficult to understand what she was trying to say. I just kept thinking of Rocky IV.....DRAGO!
The mind does tend to wander whenst immersed in mathematics in the morning! I just wanted her to say "I will break you." It was at this moment I realized I was telepathic. A problem was put up on the board and everyone reached for their graphing calculators. Lyudmila said "PUT DOWN THE CALCULATORS!.... I WILL BREAK YOU OF HABIT!" So it wasn't quite there but the "I will break you" was there. I had a hard time not laughing. I think from now on my Math professor will be known as Drago. The only thing better would be if she looked/sounded like our old pal Mr. T....what a handsome woman!
on a side note....this picture is hilarious. I feel like wearing 85 lbs of gold chains and shaving my hair into the 80's hawk! Represent fool!
I then went to my second class only to find out that it doesn't start until June 8th! I totally interrupted another class that was going was my welcome back to school moment.
Peace out fool!

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