Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Frosted Muffins for Everyone!

It is true. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Or in my case, I am from a small family and she is from a large family. Or even better, I am from New Mexico/Utah and she is from Idaho. All that to say that our conversations at times are quite funny as we try to understand what we mean.

For example...

I have always understood the word "frumpy" to describe someone who is in a bad mood or is irritable. My mom would use it like "Why are you so frumpy today?" or "You're sure in a frump today." On the other hand Rachael had always understood the word "frumpy" to mean a very old/overweight/moo-moo wearing/sad looking person. Imagine my surprise when, while we were dating or engaged (I can't remember), Rachael was in a bad mood and I asked...."Why are you so frumpy today?" (insert gasp here.)

I'll let those words soak in a bit...

The reaction you are thinking about is the reaction I received. She shot me a look that would cause the strongest of men to curl into the fetal position and cry for their mama. Needless to say she was hurt that I would ask her why she was frumpy. What she thought and what I meant were two different things and it took a few minutes for me to explain what I meant by frumpy. I have since removed frumpy out of my vocabulary and Rachael has taken to pointing out what frumpy is when we come across it in public.

Fast-forward to last night. We were in the store buying some things for dinner when Rachael remembered that she needed to buy some items for her class-mates as she was going to bake a tasty treat for them. She told me that she needed to make muffins so I started to look for blueberry, poppy seed, or cinnamon muffin mix. She then told me that those wouldn't work because they needed to be "Frosted Muffins." When I explained that I have never had a frosted muffin she shot me another look (not as intense as the first one). She couldn't believe it. I told her that I had eaten a cup-cake but never a frosted muffin. To which she replied "That's what I meant! Cup-cakes!"

I have found that in marriage I am bound to be an idiot but as long as I can avoid becoming frumpy by eating my frosted muffins, we might just be able to communicate!

Until next time....Frosted Muffins for Everybody!

1 comment:

Corey and Jenni said...

That is hilarious! You cracked us up. We have lots of these moments, and we are glad you blogged about yours! Thanks for making us laugh. We miss you! (By the way, Rachael's definition of frumpy is right, however a cupcake is a cupcake! We have never heard of frosted muffins...but we'll take anything resembling that yummy picture)