Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Denver Part 2 - The rest of the story

Mile freakin High...need I say more?

Party on Wayne...Party on Garth (Zach and I gettin' our mullet on)

Rachael, Zach and I at the Denver Aquarium

Riding a 4 person bicycle at the Denver Aquarium

A tiger, a creepy green eel, a diver with turtle above (for me to poop on), Zach with a horseshoe crab, another tiger, and the un-manned 4 person bike...all at the Denver Aquarium. That place rocks!

Some street performers on 16th street downtown....The statue lady really scared Zach! She moved right as he was right in front of her...he thought she was a real statue! The froed out robot was a riot to watch.

We went to Denver with the whole Robbins clan and Mike York for a seminar on finances. We took Saturday and Sunday and decided to hang out in Denver. We went to the aquarium and found out that they had changed it around quite a bit since I had been there last. We rode the bicycle built for four and quickly found that it is difficult to coordinate that many people with a pedaling rhythm. We then headed inside to check out all the wildlife. We came up on the big shark tank right as it was feeding time for the smaller fish in the tank. Divers emptied two nalgene bottles of grub and then started looking for shark teeth on the bottom of the tank.

After the aquarium we decided to drive by Invesco/Mile High to see if we could take a tour. We found out that they were holding a Fan Fair and that for $15 we could get into the stadium and meet players and coaches (see previous blog). We decided to do that on Sunday and headed downtown to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Rachael and I had some awesome pasta and we split between the four of us...Godiva Chocolate cheesecake and fresh strawberry cheesecake. I'm drooling just thinking about it.

We walked up around the 16th street mall and I came to this observation...Denver has culture! Salt Lake has culture as well...boring! There were street performers playing music, dressed up in all sorts of crazy costumes, and people actually hanging out downtown. It was cool to see. A lady was dressed up to look exactly like a statue...she even held completley still. Zach walked right up to her to see the statue and she moved into a different pose. Zach turned into a Denver Broncos lineman as he pushed a man three times his size to the side as he ducked and ran away.

We then headed to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see an exhibition called Body Worlds 2. (www.bodyworlds.com) here is an example of what you can expect to see at a Body Worlds exhibit:

I have edited the image...so if you are wondering what is under the black box...don't...trust me...you don't want to see it. I won't lie, I was a little creeped out looking at all the randomly placed humanity. It did, however, remind me that our bodies are awesome! God is truly amazing as evidenced by His creation. Wow!

We ate dinner at a mexican food restaurant and I had to console Jordan as Holly wasn't there with him (see picture above). If you are ever in Denver and are looking for some good Mexican food...go to Jack N' Grill on Federal and 25th ave. It was awesome! They use New Mexico chile! My lips were burning which is a good thing. We stuffed ourselves and resolved to never eat again....or at least hit the treadmill and do a few sit-ups...

On Sunday we checked out of our hotel and headed to Invesco. It was awesome to see the players up close and personal. You can see our blog below for some more info on the Fan Fair. Here is Zach getting an autograph from Willie Middlebrooks.

All in all our trip to Denver was great! I am jealous of Gino-Dean, whom I totally forgot was in Denver, who gets to experience this on an everyday basis. You are lucky bro! I'll be back to Denver soon enough for a Broncos game. Who's down for Indy vs. Denver on 10/29/06? Let's get tickets!

1 comment:

jake and erin said...

Yes... glory to God and His chosen people... the Broncos, and His prophet (the barrel man). We should go to the game as Barrel Men....

I'll have to look into that date a bit more, it would be awesome to see a game this year!